Progress toward 50# goal by 10/3/09

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Baby Steps!

Today was a baby step and baby steps are totally OK! I would much rather take baby steps that 1 step forward and two steps back. I was down .6 pounds today. That makes a total of 27.6 pounds. I got a new book the other day, the Biggest Loser Cookbook! It is the first time I have looked through a weight loss cookbook and thought...I could really make and eat this stuff! I also went and walked after work yesterday since it wasn't actually raining. I am thinking about putting Morgan's Bike in the car and heading over to the park now for a walk...hum...let's check the weather....cloudy, but no rain. Off to the park we go!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

On My Way! ;-)

I am down a wonderful 27 pounds today. I got my 25 pounds anchor and my 10% key chain today at my meeting. I was pretty stress about my inability to 'name' my ultimate goal, so I stayed after my meeting to talk to my leader Becky about it. She said it was totally ok for me to take this journey 1 milestone at a time and to choose my lifetime goal when I was ready. So my new goal is 50 pounds, which would be when I receive my next WW milestone, the 50 pound anchor. I am hoping to meet my 50 pound goal by October 3rd, when we take our next vacation during fall break.

So we all know I was leaning toward gastric but still totally on the fence. Since my BMI is now 40.2, I am borderline for not even qualifying for the surgery! Something about typing those words feels completely awesome! I am beginning to believe in my ability to do this...all on my own. The remaining weight I still have to lose it still COMPLETELY daunting, but I know I will get there someday!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just about there!!!!

I had a wonderful morning! First I showered and headed over to WW. I was down a whopping 4.4 pounds this week. That is a total of 24.6 pounds removed total! I then stopped by McDonald's for a fruit n yogurt parfait...YUM, then headed to Phil Moore Park for the March for Babies. I was on team Super Fruit and was the first of my team to cross the finish least for those of us that walked the entire 3.5 miles. I did 3.5 miles in about 50 minutes. That is awesome for me!

I have now officially completed a 5K, so when the 5K charms come in at WW, I will get mine.I am still going to do the Rough River State Park 5K in July, but I think I am going to work up to jogging part of it, thus improving my time. I am having a little trouble with my knee, an irritated meniscus, so I will just have to wait and see how it feels and go from there!

My goal is to buckle down this week so that I will at least get my 25# charm. I only have 3 #s left to go until I reach my 10% goal. I have really been thinking about that illustrious ultimate weight goal that I will have to pick when I do meet 10%. I am thinking about 145# because it is smack dab in the middle of my healthy weight range.

Me after walking the 5K March for Babies

Saturday, April 18, 2009

YEAH! I finally hung a Uee!

It is a very good morning! I was down 2.8 this morning at my WW Mtg. I am finally getting my groove back after 2 weeks of heading in the wrong direction! I am going to try really hard to log everything I put in my mouth this week...and get some extra exercise. We were offered an 8-week training program to get ready to participate in a 5K walk or run in the fall. This sounds enticing to me. I have always wanted to do one, but always felt intimidated. So I think I will sign up today! I also got a coupon from finish line in the mail for new tennis shoes, which I desperately need and the ability to try them out for 15 days and return them for a different pair if I don't like them. This sounds wonderful to me, because about 6 months ago, I bought myself a pair of Nike Shox...because everyone raved about them. They felt great in the store, but I ended up hating them.

So now for my new dilemma. Jasmyne is turning 10 in May and is finally going to be old enough to join WW. She has wanted to do this ever since I went back, but I am not sure she is ready and it is a lot of money if she doesn't follow the program. I guess my biggest concern is that she won't be strong enough to make the right choices when she is not with us, which is half the time. I have about a month to decide. I am planning on talking to her Nana (my mother-in- law) to see if she will help with the cost. We will see how it goes. She really needs this!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Still traveling the wrong way down that one way street!

Well I did it...I went to a WW meeting at 6:30am while on vacation! It was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. It was wonderful because by going I held myself accountable for my was horrible because I was up another 5.2 pounds! YUCK! I have decided that I am not going to worry about it...I am just going to enjoy the rest of my vacation. Gosh darn it I am going to have the foot long yummy Nathan's hot dog with lots of yummy toppings and I WILL NOT feel guilt in the slightest! Well I take that back, I probably won't eat the whole thing...I will share some of it with Morgan.

It is obviously time to revise the deadline for that 10% goal. I really don't want to get to ambitious, so I am thinking my birthday will be a good time frame. That will give me a month to lose 10.2 pounds...I think I can...I think I can!